Politicians Don’t Care

It’s very unfortunate that the current UK government (Labour) has taken the decision to continue with austerity, especially given the cost-of-living crisis that has pushed individuals, families and communities into abject poverty and financial crisis. Since 2010 the Tories were driven by austerity as a means of balancing the books after the financial crash of 2008 and punishing and penalising the working class and people claiming benefits who were struggling to feed themselves and their families. It was a political decision based on ideology and hatred of the poor and working class that was the back bone of Tory/Lib-Dem policy.

It’s unbelievable that in this day and age many still believe in the myth perpetuated by politicians and the right-wing press in this country that those individuals claiming benefits are scroungers living off the state as a lifestyle choice. If anyone believes this statement then I am afraid they are clueless to the reality facing millions of citizens in this country whose basic needs and dignity have been eroded by the state since 2010. King Charles received a huge £45m pay rise with an increase of more than 50% in his official annual income this year along with undisclosed sources of income for his immediate family members and extended family including Prince Andrew. I don’t hear a peep from anti-benefit campaigners when it comes to their beloved monarchy. A shame since these very people resort to demonising and humiliating the majority that by sheer bad luck are not born in the royal family. Two child benefit cap is okay for the peasants but not for the monarchy! I have often been told that the monarchy deserves it as they bring tourists and money to England! Using clever accounting principles, the monarchy and their enablers completely undermine fairness, equality and democracy in 21st century Britain.

Labour seems hellbent on continuing austerity for the vast majority of this country’s citizens and after been given a landslide victory, are showing their true colours as inflation, cost of living, high rents and low paid jobs is making the UK into a third world country. Since the biggest con of the century that was Brexit, which was inflicted on the ignorant masses, the average person is paying a huge price. It seems that middle England got its country back and once again the working class will pay the price for falling for lies and misinformation by their politicians.

Labour and Conservatives are proving to be two sides of the same coin. Alas! Democracy has finally reached its end in the UK. there is a difference between being allowed to vote in free and fair elections and a system that is rigged, always favouring the rich and powerful who are untouched no matter what the economic situation, always tend to get a pay rise.   

Long live the King!

Published in The Peeblesshire News on Friday 27th September 2024


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